Monday, July 28, 2008

49% of websites in Mon.itor.Us indices are tagged for USA

Mon.itor.Us indices grows to be quite a comprehensive information source to learn about industries using website monitoring, as well as the countries to target. Based on the Browse by Countries section of tag clouds, we can see which country's websites are more benchmarked. Since hundreds of thousands of websites are being monitored, tagged and benchmarked, it is interesting to know that the following 5 countries cover almost 90% of the cases:

US websites are 49%, followed by United Kingdom 16%, Italy 13%, Germany 12% and France 10%.

Here are some interesting benchmarks created by Mon.itor.Us community and tagged "United States":

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Media Industry Sites Show Slowest Average Page Load and Lowest Average Uptime Among Most Popular in Mon.itor.Us

Digging into Mon.itor.Us Benchmarks to find website monitoring usage stats per industry. These are not statistically correct figures, but being based on users of Benchmark generator module in Mon.itor.Us community (around 25,000 users and 98,000 sites) at Week 22.

According to Industry Aggregated reports the popular 4 industries are Hospitality (30%) Technology (19%) Retail (18%) and Media (11%).

Hospitality 432 websites. Average performance figure is 388 milliseconds, slowest is loading in 4320 milliseconds during week 22. was fastest - 45 milliseconds in average. 432 websites' average uptime was 96.88%, Elite International Travel being available only 17.39% during one week and 194 companies showing 100% availability.

Technology is the second with 265 websites average page load speed of 363 milliseconds. shows the quickest load time (56 milliseconds) and is the slowest 1629 milliseconds. Industry average uptime was great! 99.86% with even a low minimum availability of 66.76% for and 170 websites having 100% uptime.

Retail is the third with a small difference from technology representing 252 websites. Slowest load time is recorded 2462 milliseconds for, and quickest is loading in 52 milliseconds. The average is 368 milliseconds. The lowest availability recorded 66.62% was for 122 websites were up 100% of the time. Industry average is 98.44%.

And the last Media 161 websites operate 388 milliseconds average speed, with the slowest at 3080 milliseconds and the quickest at 53 milliseconds load speed. Industry average availability is 91.73% with a min. 11.25% Armenia Tourism and 97 websites being available 100%.

The slowest average page load speed was recorded for the Tourism and Hospitality sector followed by Media and Retail. Technology sector websites show the best results for both load speed and availability.